Bedgear Pillow Guide
2 min read • Aug 22, 2022
If you've read our previous blog you've learned that the pillow you choose can greatly impact your quality of sleep. That's why we recommend the Cosmo and Flow from Bedgear. The Cosmo and The Flow Both of these pillows come in four different sizes, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. The numbers reference sizes. Each size allows for a higher pillow and adapts to multiple body sizes. The correct size for you depends on your body type and sleeping position. The Cosmo Cooli ....
Read MorePillowtalk with Old Brick
3 min read • Aug 15, 2022
Did you know that most people experience neck pain as a result of both their mattress and their pillow? Pillows are often forgotten about, they are a last-minute decision. Considering that pillows account for 30% of comfort when sleeping, it is important that we understand how different pillows will affect sleep. Spending a bit more time finding a pillow that is correct for different sleeping positions and body types can help alleviate neck pain now and in the future. Two Sleeping ....